Topical Tips
During periods of festivities or indulgence, do you know that Nux-Vomica will help you overcome that hangover a lot quicker than other measures? I encourage everyone to keep a homeopathic first aid kit at home – you will be amazed how much you will use it.
I became a homeopath after my hay fever was permanently cleared, following many years of suffering. If you have suffered with hay fever, please remember that hay fever clears a lot quicker if you follow the winter programme of building your immune system, so don’t forget to continue the treatment from October until the following March. Email to find out more details – it really works.
Homeopathy works well in the garden too – ask me for more details, and see all those snails and slugs migrating elsewhere.
I also run regular grassroots homeopathy courses which will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to use homeopathy safely in the home for many acute conditions. Email me to find out about the next course or if you want to know more about staying healthy this winter with homeopathy.
Latest News
The two days’ Grassroots Homeopathy Course enables you to develop your knowledge and confidence in prescribing for all those common ailments such as colds, coughs, flu, ear aches, sore throats, minor accidents, bites, tummy upsets, and much more. You will save money long-term, and your family will receive good natural treatment, thus avoiding antibiotics, etc.
Email me to find out details of forthcoming courses.
Gift vouchers are available to buy as Christmas presents, so make sure to ask Santa, or Santa could contact me direct to obtain the gift voucher. Mail me for details –
The Weight Management Workshops are now running every 3 months in Charing – Kent, using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and dietary / exercise advice. Please Email me to find out more and book a place. Workshops run with small numbers of people for maximum supervision.
On February 22nd 2010 the UK Parliament’s Science and Technology Committee published an ‘evidence check’ report on homeopathy.
The main purpose of the committee’s work leading up to the report had been to investigate government spending on homeopathy through the National Health Service (NHS) and the licensing of homeopathic products through the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
The report, approved by only three of the committee members, was largely negative towards homeopathy, and has been referred to extensively by anti-homeopathy campaigners. However, many Members of Parliament and the Governments’ Department of Health itself expressed serious concerns about both the approach taken and the recommendations made in the report. Most importantly, the current Government itself rejected the recommendations of the report and endorsed a patient’s right to continue to access homeopathy on the NHS.
It is important that the full truth about this report is made available to the public. An independent critique written by Earl Baldwin of Bewdley concluded that the committee’s report was “an unreliable source of evidence about homeopathy”.
Indeed, contrary to the report’s rhetoric, homeopathy is…
A long-trusted and widely used method of treatment – Homeopathy has been safely used for over 200 years and is a widely used and recognised form of medical treatment across the EU and beyond
Not simply the placebo effect – there is clear evidence that homeopathy works, including the ‘gold standard’ of evidence: Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) and systematic reviews
The patient’s right to choose – as the Government’s response to the committee’s report reflects, removing homeopathy from the NHS would deny many patients access to a form of treatment they have found beneficial, often when conventional medicine has failed. Please contact me direct if you need further information.