EFT – Tapping: A Universal Healing Aid
“What we resist, it persists…..and what we accept, it dissolves”
EFT-Tapping or Modern Energy Emotional Freedom Technique is an emotional form of non-invasive acupuncture in which, instead of using needles, we tap with our fingers to stimulate certain meridian points whilst the person focuses on a problem.
EFT was developed in the USA by Gary Craig, from the pioneering work of Dr Roger Callahan’s Thought Field Therapy.
By using tapping with our fingers on specific points in the body whilst focusing our attention on a problem, we can remove the emotional component of that problem. Most of the time I use positive EFT, so we focus on want you want to achieve, where you want to move to, positively. By feeling the new energy in your body – positive energy, you will feel happier, more joyous, more excited about life in general and more productive.
How Does EFT Work?
The body and mind function as an integrated whole. What we feel and think has an immediate effect on our physical health, just as what is experienced in the body affects our mental and emotional state.
EFT works exceptionally well and can have a profound effect on attitudes, perception, our self-esteem, relationships, work & sports performance, increasing physical energy and health in general.
How Energy EFT can help you
We know that emotions contribute to our overall health. EFT is in regular use for the emotional component of:
Fears and Phobias:
War accidents:
- Traumatic Injury
- Post Traumatic Stress
- Nightmares
Past abuse:
- mental
- emotional
- physical
You can learn Energy EFT and use it for yourself anytime, anywhere, for any problem. It’s fast, remarkably effective, safe, convenient, painless and very easy to learn.
Energy EFT is offered both personally in my consulting room, and online. I have many satisfied clients in different parts of the world.
I am a qualified Energy EFT trainer, and I run courses to enable you to use EFT successfully on your own.
Please look up the page About My Practice for forthcoming course dates. I also run specialised workshops on specific topics such as abundance, giving up smoking and weight management.